Men’s Choir – 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Boys
- No audition required
- Oak is one of the only middle schools to have a MEN’S Choir, modeled after the high school men’s choir called “Xtreme”
- This group is expected to:
- Develop their ability to read music and learn how to create a quality vocal tone (“standing & singing” or dancing)
- Sing & dance many different styles of music
- Perform at the following events:
- Fall Concert
- Winter Concert
- All District Choral Festival
- Open House
- Spring Concert
ShowMen will compete 2-4 times. Competitions are primarily on weekends.
Advanced Mixed Concert Choir – 7th and 8th Grade Girls and Boys
- Audition required for any 7th or 8th grade student desiring to be part of this choir which meets during zero period. Prior choir experience and a strong level of commitment is required. Auditions will assess the individual’s ability to perform, read music, vocal quality and dancing ability.
This group is expected to:
- Develop and continue to grow in their ability to read more difficult music, learning how to create a quality vocal tone and perform with musicality while “standing and singing”.
- Sing & dance many different styles of music.
- Perform at a HIGH LEVEL of perfection at:
- All District Choral Festival
- Disneyland (pending audition)
- A weekend festival trip to a different city
- A “stand and sing” choral festival
ShowCase will perform at many community functions and an overnight competition. A significant level of time commitment is expected for members of this choir. Mandatory out-of-school rehearsals will be expected to take priority over other after school activities.